Carat: a new way to increase the battery life of iPhone and iPad

By purchasing a smartphone or tablet Apple, a person "breaks away" from the wire and becomes mobile. But sooner or later comes the understanding- Mobility depends on battery capacity. But then again, the wires and sockets. However, you can extend the time.
First, extend the autonomy of the iPhone and the iPad can be observing a few simple rules , which include the care of the battery and the optimization of the operating system settings (screen brightness, geolocation features, turning off wireless interfaces, etc.). But what if all these methods do not help and precious iDevice continues to be discharged too quickly. Comes to the aid of a new application Carat.
Free software for iPhone and iPod touch runs on crowdsourcing technology. In other words, in the process of Carat gathers all necessary information on the device and sends it to a remote service, where the processing of data and comparison with the statistics of other users. As a result, Carat will recommend a list of applications that need to be unloaded from memory iOS-device to extend its battery life.

Of course, the App Store features hundreds of thousands of applications and each has its own set of user. However, theoretically, allow crowdsourcing technology to identify common patterns in programs, and help users extend the battery life of "apple" devices.
New available free of charge. Carat can download from the App Store, by clicking the link below.
Carat for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad Download from iTunes App Store

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