The Iranians are buying iPhone and iPad, despite the U.S. sanctions

Despite the tough U.S. sanctions, the products of Apple are not going to leave the Iranian market. In particular, as a salesperson told reporters edition Timesofoman For only one day he managed to sell 40 smartphones iPhone.
Recall that in May the Senate of the U.S. Congress approved the introduction of special economic sanctions against Iran. They require all the companies whose shares are traded on U.S. exchanges to notify the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission of any transactions with Iran. Measures have touched any transactions with Iran in energy and consumer goods.

However, according to local vendors, electronic gadgets Apple sold freely in Iran, with only 50-60 dollars more expensive than in the United States. This is due to the simplicity with which sellers can circumvent the export restrictions. After all, most of these goods are imported without any problems in the country through Iraq.

If we talk about the official iPhone and iPad sales in Iran, there is much more complicated.

Note that the 19-year-old Iranian Sahar Sabet had to leave one of the shops online Apple Store in Georgia, USA, after staff refused to sell her iPad. One of the employees of the retail point of Apple, had heard that the girl speaks Farsi, the Iranian language group of the leading Indo-European family of languages, forbade her to go the desired gadget.

When she returned to the store, accompanied by representatives of the media, Apple Store employees told reporters that the new corporate policy prohibits the selling of Apple products Iranians.

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