Testing MacBook Pro with the display Retina

Apple has launched two models of MacBook Pro with Retina-screen, the differences between them are enclosed in clock speed quad Ivy Bridge-Intel Core i7 processor with the integrated video graphics Intel Graphics HD 4000 and capacity flash drive. Cost of younger and older models of 2200 and $ 2,800.
For basic computing laptop meets the 2,3 - or 2.6-GHz processor, discrete video graphics deals Nvidia Kepler GeForce GT 650M with 1GB of GDDR5-memory, the amount of integrated on the motherboard RAM 1600 MHz DDR3L-memory is 8 GB, HDD lost place of solid state drives 256 or 512 GB.

For a fee you can raise the CPU speed to 2.7 GHz, to increase the amount of RAM and 16 GB of flash to increase capacity to 768 GB of storage. Add RAM can pay $ 200 in both cases, MacBook Pro, but the upgrade flash drive - only in the older model.
It should be understood that the memory is built into the motherboard, so upgrading will not work independently, and the additional volume is better to order the purchase. In the case of the SSD-drive situation is similar - in this case is used instead of the usual 2.5-inch flash drive, and a module on a separate board to direct the flash memory, Samsung PM830 controller and a special interface. The controller shows the performance of miracles, and would not want to part with the Apple-store (it is removed), changing to another product, even with higher capacity.
Testing Samsung PM830 controller on the right give him one of the highest points: get ready for a quick response system in terms of daily work, launch applications, surf the web. Cold start the computer takes around 15 seconds, and out of sleep for a few moments to happen - as soon as you lift the lid.
C in terms of "rate of" CPU issues does not arise here. If last year's best 17-inch MacBook Pro with a 2.5-GHz Intel Sandy Bridge Core i7 gave a benchmark Geekbench-10 760 points, the 2,3 - and 2,6-GHz and 10 810 new items earn 11,844 points.

"Slice and Dice» Diablo III 2.6 GHz MacBook Pro with Retina-screen issued 15-20 frames / s in the resolution of 2880 × 1800 with maximum settings the engine. Reducing the sweep up to 1680 × 1050 will raise the rate to 30 frames / s.
For a dynamic shooter Portal 2 is recommended to play in a lower resolution of 1280 × 800 - the smoothness of 60 frames / s is provided, although if you set 2880 × 1800 rate will drop to acceptable 50 frames / s.
StarCraft 2 Strategy voraciously slowed to 15-20 frames / s with maximum settings and even worse during the fierce battles. It should either keep the resolution, but set a minimum of special effects, receiving 30 frames / s or lower the resolution to 1680 × 1050, but not the best setup.
Incidentally, the new MacBook Pro is able to simultaneously serve four screens, giving each of them his picture. Enthusiasts have already proved, by connecting two monitors to the 2560 × 1440 Thunderbolt-jacks, and a 1920 × 1200 monitor to an HDMI-output - he Retina-screen laptop has worked in the resolution of 1440 × 900.
At each of the screens were running their applications, and managed quite a card, for example, showing four different films. Of course, plenty of wires to perceive somewhat hampered by a full-fledged laptop workstation, but Apple has once again proven professional level MacBook Pro.

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