In OS X Mountain Lion will be a new system to install updates

In the upcoming release of the operating system, OS X Mountain Lion, Apple will change the method of distributing updates, borrowed an approach from its competitors from Redmond.
It is learned that the corporation intends to accelerate the release of new patches (approximately one month), as well as implementing a system of automatic installation of critical updates. These measures will reduce the danger of online threats and help stop the spread of potential virus outbreaks. In the current versions of Mac OS X does not.

Along with  iOS 6 beta2 for the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Apple TV company has released an update to the assembly 4 Developer Preview for the platform OS X 10.8, in which there is a software solution called Security Test Update 1.0. Last, and fills the above-described elements of the security architecture, "Mountain Lion". This tool is only available to registered developers to Apple.

The new system component OS X will be a daily check for updates security (check previously performed once a week) and found to install critical updates.

Touched on the changes and the technology of communication machines and servers Apple: Now the connection is made via a secure protocol, so that attackers can not gain access to data on the presence of patches installed on your computer. In the same way, by the way, running the current version of Windows Update.

Kaspersky and others like them can praise Apple for their work, since almost all of the previously made accusations against the Cupertino company for the installation of patches has taken into account.

Release of the new operating system OS X Mountain Lion will be held in July this year. The cost of upgrade for users of OS X Lion and Mac OS X Snow Leopard will be about $ 20.

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