Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Official: first image of Galaxy Nexus!

Some users in the last hours that Americans have accessed the page of the American Play Store dedicated to the sale of the Galaxy Nexus, arriving at the final stage of purchase of the terminal have noticed, as shown in the screenshot, the words in the description " soon the first phone with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean "or the latest smartphone that Google may soon be the first device to fit the new edition Android 4.1 . So now official that Android 4.1 will be unveiled at the upcoming  Google I / O 2012 .
The speculation does not stop there because even the image on the Galaxy Nexus shows new background colors and different from the search bar at first almost as if it adopted a gradient glass, innovations that we saw in the last few days with Jelly Bean .
For the moment seems to be confirmed then the restyling of the search bar by the still mysterious new distribution Android, now all the waiting is for the next week with the start of the event scheduled for the next Google weblog on June 27.

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