How long does the energy for all iPad?

Many users as portable computers purchased tablet computers. They like to work on the iPad configured with the full brightness of the screen, And their plates are almost always connected to the Internet. This means frequent visits to an electrical outlet - at least once a day. Experts from the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) found out how much energy is used all and other devices Apple, and how they affect carbon dioxide emissions.
According to Energysafe with reference to research analyst firm in Palo Alto, California, the average daily cost of charging the iPad is about $ 1.36 . Experts EPRI also calculated the total annual cost of electricity iPad owners and found out how much energy consuming Apple in the world.

Calculations show that each model iPad consumes less than 12 kW / h of electricity during the year. It was found that the average owner charges a tablet about every other day. For comparison, plasma TV with 42-inch uses 358 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year. Tablet is a leader in terms of power consumption.

By calculations of EPRI, the average amount of energy used by all the iPad, is about 590 gigawatt-hours (GWh). If the number of iPad will triple over the next two years (and this is what they say analysts' forecasts), the energy needed for their work will be almost equivalent to two 250-megawatt (MW) power plants operating at 50 percent capacity year-round. Fourfold increase in sales over the next two years will result in the fact that to meet the needs of the owners of the Apple Tablet will require energy generated by the three power plants with capacity of 250-MW.

IPad operating costs can vary depending on the region in which the consumer is, the price of electricity in a certain place, and the model plate. Measurements show that the new iPad will consume about 65% more electricity annually than its predecessors. Other products that were included in the analysis of EPRI, a notebook, which consumes 72.3 kW / h of electricity per year. Electricity costs $ 8.31. They also calculated that the iPhone 3G consumes 2.2 kW / h of electricity per year, which costs 25 cents.

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