Google in a hurry with the release of an analogue of Siri for Android

As reported by the journalists of the newspaper Wall Street Journal, the manufacturer of the operating system Android, the company Google, has accelerated the pace of developing its own rival Siri. This is a personal assistant,  Assistant Google .
Internet giant wants to make Google Assistant - the main control function smartphones and tablets on the basis of the next version of the operating system Android. The main difference from the Siri will be the "openness" of the instrument. With this third-party developers to integrate Google Assistant in their programs.

It is unknown whether the development be limited to only Android or whether it will be available in other software platforms. By the way, Google has already started work on the voice search engine, and perhaps these ideas will be included in the basis of future innovations.
Note that the first mention of the development of analog Siri for Android came in December last year, then reported on a new technology code-named  Majel . In March 2012 portal TechCrunch reported on the Google project called Google Assistant. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Internet giant hopes to include in your voice service platform Android 5.0 Jelly Bean.

According to reports, Jelly Bean will be more market-oriented plates and preparing to bring a dual-boot feature, as well as the ability to switch between different operating systems without shutting down the device.

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