Hone for the iPhone 4S: Assistant to the search key

How many times have each of us was late to college, at work or an important meeting for the simple reason that he could not quickly find the keys to your home or car. But now the problem is rooted in the past. And all thanks to a device called Hone, created specifically to help you when searching.
Hone device works through Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology in conjunction with mobile application for iPhone or iPad. You hang the device on a keychain, and if you suddenly can not find them, call a special program, which initiate a search. In response, the unit starts making sounds. If even then you can not find the missing, then do a couple of laps on the terrain: key chain has a proximity sensor, while the iPhone will be the direction for further research.

Due to the fact that Hone uses power-saving Bluetooth module is the fourth version of the one CR2032 battery it can operate up to six months. In the list of compatible devices - iPhone 4S and iPad third generation.
In the future, if you suddenly run into the problem of lost keys will be sufficient to run the application Hone, select the Search menu click Find, and after a moment on the screen of the gadget will show information, where to look for clues.

Developers Hone with Kickstarter project attracted more than $ 21,000 for the organization of production. The cost of the enhancement  is about $ 49 .

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