Japan Display presented a screen that is two times more clearly in the Retina iPhone 4S

It is known that the density of pixels in displays Retina, which are equipped with smart phones iPhone 4/4S, is 326 dpi. In fact, the very title of the standard ("Retina") comes from the fact that the human eye can not distinguish the individual points on this screen and everything on it is displayed very clearly.
However, technology is not standing still, and manufacturers are producing more and more advanced LCD panel. Thus, in late May, the Korean company LG pleased with the news that its laboratories are hard at work on the creation of super fine widescreen display, which at the diagonal into 5-inch has a resolution of 1920 x 1080. Thus, a density of pixels - 440ppi.

But engineers at Japan Display decided to outdo their Korean counterparts. According to them, even such clarity is not sufficient.
 Comparison of Japan Display screen with a display in the Retina iPhone 4S

The screen, which announced the Japanese company, has a diagonal of 2.3 inches, but its resolution is 1280 × 800 pixels. The display boasts an incredible density of 651 dots per inch. In other words, even after repeated increases, not a single hint of a pixel will not be found. It is reported that this figure was achieved through the use of low-temperature polysilicon.

And what resolution screen smartphone is the best, do you think?

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