Apple for the first time in the history of China offered to buyers in an interest-free loan

Apple desire to win Chinese market is huge. Further evidence that the unprecedented step to which the company went the first time in the history of Apple buyers of iPhone, iPad and Mac computers in China the opportunity to take advantage of interest-free credit.
Apple reached an agreement with Bank of China Merchants Bank credit terms consumers who buy computers and mobile devices Cupertino corporation with zero interest rate. Purchase limit of $5,000.

According to the official statement of Apple, the company will pay to local buyers for purchases made for 3, 6, 12, 18 or 24 months. Those who choose the loan program to a year, the percentage is not calculated at all, while the half year operating rate of 6.5%, and for two years - 8.5% of the purchase price. The program only applies to residents of China, and want to use it will have to apply for a credit card China Merchants Bank.

This action started in China just days after the country was visited by Apple CEO Tim Cook, who said about the strategic importance of the Chinese market. In an interview with local edition of "Xinhua" Cook said that China will soon overtake the U.S. as the largest market for the company. Over the past year, Apple actually doubled the number of its stores in China, and the country in terms of sales was the second iPhone manufacturer to market after the U.S..

According to the report Apple's 2012 fiscal year, operating income of the company in China totaled $ 23.8 billion or 15% of its total revenues. The country has 11 stores Apple Store, especially in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong are at 3 stores, 1 - in Shenzhen and one - in Chengdu.

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