Keycard turns iPhone into a proximity sensor to automatically lock / unlock Mac

Sometimes you need to quickly lock your Mac. It should absent himself for long, and shut down or "put to sleep" the computer does not want. There are several ways to  easily lock the operating system OS X: use the shortcut, the active screen corner, one of the widgets Dashboard. At the same time to continue to enter each time the account password.

Appuous studio has released a new application for protecting Mac, which eliminates these difficulties. Keycard - awesome app that locks and unlocks the computer, depending on how far away is your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. Access to the car locked, with the phone when the user moves away from the Mac and automatically unlocks when approaching him. Probably the most geek solution to the problem.

Interestingly, the computer locks Keycard special four-digit password, so you can always log in, if your sat iDevice battery.

The program is an icon in the top menu of OS X. Keycard settings allow you to set the connection between your device and your computer, set up a lock code and manually close the access to the machine.

Keycard to work requires an operating system OS X 10.7 and above. The cost of the application the first few days after the release of the Mac App Store will be $6.99 .

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