Samsung front of Apple in the results of Q1 2012 seconds IDC

IDC has made ​​public the latest statistics on the global market for large mobile phone manufacturers and for the period Q1 2012. Samsung has seen tremendous growth, and if Apple in the same period last year was still leading in the number of devices shipped worldwide, today the situation is quite the opposite. During the first quarter, Samsung shipped 42.2 million smartphones around the world, gaining a market share of 29.1%.Apple has shipped 35.1 million instead of the iPhone reaching just behind with 24.2% market share.
In Q1 2011 the situation was almost reversed with 11.5 million devices shipped by Samsung and Apple, which still maintained its leadership with its 18.6 million iPhone.

The analyst Ramon Llamas said of the data obtained:

In the first quarter of Apple and Samsung have experienced a growth in smartphones and devices very close, with the launch of the iPhone 4S in other key markets such as China and Samsung, which has continued to ride the crest of a wave thanks to the success Notes from the Galaxy and the Galaxy line in general.

Further down in the table compiled by IDC are Nokia in third place with its 11.9 million smart phones but a sharp drop of over 50% over the same period last year and finally, RIM and HTC are going through a period of particularly rosy by clocking on both the minus sign on shipping terminals in the global market.
Note: Data refer to Smartphones and therefore are not taken into account the phones "classics".  by

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