Apple may ban the sale of Galaxy S III in the U.S.

Despite statements by Samsung that sales of the new device Galaxy S III in the U.S. will begin, despite the opposition of Apple, The latest news from the floor of the District Court of San Jose is not as optimistic as one would like the Korean company.
Last week, Circuit Judge Lucy Koh announced the possibility of entering a temporary ban on imports of Galaxy S III in the United States and asked the corporations to give suggestions on the dates of meetings of the court on this issue. At the end of the week by representatives of Apple and Samsung have provided the judge agreed timetable, under which the court session held on Tuesday 12 June and Thursday. During these meetings, the parties must prove why the sale of Galaxy S III should be prohibited (or allowed) in the U.S. in June this year.

Samsung will have until Tuesday to provide evidence of significant differences in the functions specified in the charges, the Galaxy S III and smartphone Samsung Galaxy Nexus, on which the claim is already in court. If the judge decides that the two phones are no different in functionality and supported technologies, the smartphone Galaxy S III is added to the lawsuit Apple, relating to the violation of patents in the manufacture of Galaxy Nexus, which practically means an immediate ban on the sale of Galaxy S III.

However, Samsung reserved the opportunity to provide the source code on Thursday regarding the technologies mentioned in the lawsuit, and then within 3 days of the warring parties will reconvene to determine what additional actions to be performed in order to clarify the present case. After that, according to the procedure, Apple will have to decide whether to continue to insist on an interim ban on the sale of Galaxy S III or not.

As previously reported in the statement of claim "fruit" giant claimed that Samsung's flagship phone of illegally used the intellectual property of Apple. In particular, according to Cupertino , the Korean manufacturer has violated two patents, one relating to the universal search technology used by the voice assistant Siri, - a reference to the technology S-Voice at the Galaxy S III, and the second involves the automatic detection and identification of specific data on the device, such as phone numbers, e-mail addresses and hyperlinks. Thanks to the second patent in April, Apple managed to prohibit the importation into the United States a number of smartphones HTC.

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