Samsung can buy a Nokia?

The history of the mobile market, despite its relatively short duration, there are many examples of incredible mergers, acquisitions, ups and downs. Even the largest and most experienced manufacturer Nokia in recent times can barely make ends meet. Since the release of Apple's smart phone market is a Finnish company has lost in the capitalization of about $ 70 billion a quarter earlier Korean Samsung has bypassed it to supply the global market.
Nokia's rush to find salvation for himself Union also suggests that the company is not all right. According to statistics, last year, its shares slipped in price by 41%, which is a consequence of weakening the company's position against a background of increasingly repressive competition in the segment as well as loss of market position against the iPhone and smart phones on the Android.

On this basis, there are regular rumors about the intentions of a player's market to get hold of Nokia. At this time, the publication Streetinsider claims that Nokia has received a tempting offer from Samsung. Analysts estimate this controversial insider:

"I'm sure someone would have to absorption of Nokia by the way, but it is not necessary, it will be Samsung, and it is now. Many in the telecommunications industry is skeptical about the prospects of the company as a whole ", - said the expert from the company Canaccord.

Not very bright prospects for Nokia paints and lead analyst for Mobile Research Group Eldar Murtazin:

"There are no prerequisites to the fact that Samsung will buy Nokia. She is already dead. Samsung gets everything she wants without any effort. Nokia is desperately trying to raise the value of their shares, "- wrote a journalist in Twitter.

Information about the proposal from Samsung is not meaningless, but at the same time, especially around Nokia has already appeared rumors about potential acquisitions, and they were not confirmed. Last year, Samsung representatives were forced to deny these conversations: the company called them baseless, refusing to comment further.

It is worth adding that speculation about the fact that Nokia has received an offer to buy the assets of its shares today with the opening of trading on the Helsinki Stock Exchange rose by more than 7%.

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