iOS 6 Concept: Dynamic badges, Mission Control, and quick view of applications [video]

Prior to the presentation iOS 6 just a few days, and the web all the concepts continue to emerge from different users, in which they not only try to predict what could be the new "OSes» Apple, and show how they would like to see it.
We offer to meet with the concept of the next version of OS for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad from designer Joost van der Rey, where he presented his vision of a new platform Apple. I must say that this idea is quite interesting and includes some new ideas regarding the organization of the home screen iOS, notification system and browser Safari.
First, the designer proposed to move to iOS 6 function desktop operating system Mac OS X called Mission Control, and I must say quite well. View recent applications can be running in the "cards" that can be browsed through in a vertical list. Second, Ray gave the Safari browser feature full-screen mode for web pages, which included a double tapom on the screen.
Another interesting iOS 6, according to the Dutchman, has become a dynamic system of badges. As is known, the number of incoming notifications displayed in the Apple-system directly on the icons in small numbers in the circles.

As planned by the designer, pulling down these icons, you can read in the fast mode received notification. It may be news from Facebook, tweets, short messages, game events, etc. If you do this operation with icons, without badges, they run in a mode «Flipcons», - a sort of quick view content in applications, which is especially important for social services, such as Flipboard or Airbnb.

Concept iOS 6 for the iPhone from Joost van der Rey
Very good ideas, let's see what Monday will answer Apple.

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