Apple TV will support Bluetooth in the next update

Let Apple TV set-top box and a hobby for Apple, but that does not mean that the company will update and expand the device's capabilities. The latest test release of firmware - visual confirmation.

If you had to adjust the "Apple" set top box - enter long passwords for iTunes, Wi-Fi or to search videos on YouTube with a standard remote control Apple TV, then you are probably wondering why the little black box can not connect a typical Bluetooth-keyboard. Hardly anyone can be a simple answer to this question. However, the situation promises to change in the near future. According to 9to5Mac, the new test firmware for Apple TV has been found native support for wireless keyboards.

The next update for the Apple TV will be able to create a pair with any keyboards and thus enter passwords or search the content most convenient way. Enter will act as a power button to play or pause the movie or music, and Escape will go to the main menu.

Unfortunately, according to the developers, the availability of support for Bluetooth in the new OSes Apple TV does not mean that users will be able to connect to your iPhone, iPad or wireless speakers. While it is only the keyboards. At the same time, manufacturers Bluetooth-accessories great opportunities. In theory, companies such as Griffin or Logitech will release a sophisticated remote control for Apple TV with broad functionality. It is hoped that this feature will not disappear from the new firmware before its public release. You can also buy the device in the U.S. is at a price of $99 dollars.

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