IBM: After 5 years, smartphones will be endowed with hearing, sight, taste, smell and touch

IBM has published a forecast The Five in Five for 2012. The company identified five trends that, in its view, would prevail in computer technology over the next five years. In this list, the list of trend coincides with the list of feelings that people can experience. IBM predicts that computing devices will be granted the hearing, sight, taste, smell and touch.

1. Touch

"Touch" will allow your computer or smart phone to transfer the texture object that is currently in another location, using, for example, vibration screen. The technology can be used in Internet commerce: the buyer can "feel" the fabric shirt before ordering.

2. Hearing

"Rumors" will allow computing devices to decipher the sounds of the world - well, utilities for the trees creak in the wind will be able to determine if there is a risk of collapse. Smartphones, endowed with "human ears", can be sound stage where there is a person. For example, if the device determines that the owner is in a conference or in a movie theater, it will go into silent mode.

3. Vision

"Vision" will give the mobile device the ability to recognize objects in photos and videos. Doctors will be able to use this skill to learn computer radiographs and tomograms, advertisers - to determine the user's interests on the placed them on the web photos, emergency services - for the analysis of materials from the scene.

4. Taste

"Taste" of a researcher from IBM is the ability of computers to analyze the chemical composition of the food and give recipes that are optimal for the individual in terms of nutritional value.

5. Smell

"The sense of smell" mobile devices are endowed with sensors, which, for example, a person will analyze exhaled air to do on it concluded that there is in the body of disease.

Forecast The Five in Five IBM released annually since 2007. Composing it, the company is based on market research and their own development.

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