Sensor for iPhone and Android will determine the quality of air

American scientists have developed a sensor that is able to analyze the quality of the ambient air and to transmit information to mobile devices. Atmospheric monitoring in real time relevant to people living in metropolitan areas.

A device called CitiSense can provide iPhone and Android smartphones on the status of the environment. The sensor detects the level of ozone, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide - the most common pollutants emitted by cars.

Mobile application that must be installed on your smartphone, displays indications CitiSense with color scale, where green means no pollution, and purple - high content of harmful substances.

To date, the sensor has been tested. The experiment showed that users can not only get information about the level of pollution of the territory on which they are located, but also to adjust their route depending on the sensor performance.

Right now, the device is too large to be embedded in smart phones, but over time it will be possible, scientists say.

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