Apple iPhone 5 will allow the market to take a quarter of LTE-devices

In the three months since the debut of the first Apple gadget with support networks fourth generation American company managed to capture a quarter of the market LTE-devices. Despite the fact that the leader in this field is Samsung, manufacturer of the iPhone and iPad has reduced the share of the Korean manufacturer with a 51% to 40%.
Apple is in the ranking of the largest suppliers of LTE-enabled devices at once for Samsung with 26.7% share, followed by LG, whose share fell from 15.1% to 9.1%. Completing the top five with a score Motorola 6.7% (-8.4% in the previous quarter) and Pantech - its share increased to 5.8% (0.1%).

Analysts note that Samsung in the third quarter of 2012, for the fifth time in a row becomes a leader. However, according to research firm Strategy Analytics, in the last quarter of the market share in the segment of Korean LTE-devices dropped to 40%. Pressed the companies to Apple, say experts.

In the last few months the market LTE-compatible devices, added a number of new models. First of all, this iPhone 5, iPad 4 and iPad mini - first Apple gadgets with support for the latest communication standard. Do not fall behind and compatriot Samsung - South Korean company LG Electronics and Pantech, replenish their ranks flagship model Optimus G and Vega R3.

At the end of the last quarter of the market for LTE-smartphone in real terms increased by more than twofold and reached 22.5 million units, against 10.6 million units in the previous quarter.

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