British scientists claim that the iPad and iPhone reduce sexual activity in bed

Using the iPhone and iPad before bed harms sex life. This conclusion was made by British scientists on the results of an online survey conducted in the UK. It was attended by 2,000 people.

The researchers found that the habit of taking to bed with tablet or smartphone not only reduces the time of sleep, but also the negative impact on sexual activity. The results were that almost 15% of respondents said that the habit of "sit on the internet before going to sleep" has led to the fact that they are much less likely to have sex, and nearly half of the respondents reported that because of the portable electronics in the bed they now sleep alone around midnight, while 10 years ago, their dream began at 22:30.

25% of respondents viewed in bed sites on the Internet, while 15% prefer to watch movies or TV shows. The only exception is older respondents, who are still in bed reading a book.

About what a great place to hold gadgets have become in modern life, they say also had a recent study, researchers from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. According to him, one of three smartphone owners prefer to do without sex than go without a mobile phone for a week.

Even worse is the case with sleep. According to researchers, backlit screen has a vast attention to the synthesis of the hormone melatonin in the body responsible for the regulation of circadian rhythms. So people watching the screen, for example, iPad or iPhone, bring yourself to the risk of insomnia.

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