Samsung sues Apple for the center notifications iOS

Renouncing all claims to Apple in Europe, Samsung initiated a new prosecution competitor in South Korea, according to a local portal iNews24. The Korean manufacturer has accused Apple of violating patents related to the Centre notification system iOS.

Notification Center has become one of the most notable innovations in iOS 5, released in 2011. Apple introduced it some time after the occurrence of such a system of alerts in Android. This section allows you to monitor the activity of the internal iPhone and iPad: incoming mail, SMS, calendar events, notification applications, news from the Game Center and other important events. It also contains two widgets - weather and stocks.

It is learned that Samsung claims to Apple on technology, not as fundamental for the industry (the so-called SEP-patents, Standards Essential Patents). No details about the latest lawsuit Korean company to a competitor yet. Florien Mueller of FOSS Patents notes that Google has recently patented a similar function in the U.S.

Recently, the Center received notification Apple integration with social networking site Facebook, and was included in the desktop platform OS X Moutain Lion.

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