iPhone 5S get dual LED flash

Released in the fall iPhone 5, like all previous smartphones Apple, became a bestseller. Nevertheless, the company continues to develop and prepare a new model of the device which will retain the same shape, but will receive more advanced technical features. Based on the generated schema update "apple" phone, the device will be called the iPhone 5S.

According to the site GSMArena, referring to its sources inside the company, compared to the current modification of the seventh generation of iPhone will be sold an unusual solution for shooting - the second LED flash. But it will not be just an extra LED-flash, as in typical smartphones operating system Android - each LED will have its purpose.

First, the usual, will be used as before - for the light, and the second, the subsidiary will be used to obtain the correct white color in photographs. "Corrects" flash, reportedly will highlight the frame in light blue, including in the process if necessary.

According to the publication, before Apple was granted a patent on the photo module with multiple flashes. Its essence lies in the fact that the camera determines the room lighting, and during the shooting light of varying intensity at different angles falls exactly where it is needed, evenly lit image.

Earlier it was reported that Apple had decided to reduce the life cycle of the iPhone 5 . This benefit is the fact that the company already did so with a full-size tablet iPad - the fourth generation of this device came nearly six months after the previous model. First manufacturer stood between updates about iPad annual pause.

To date, Apple releases new generation iPhone after about a year after the predecessor. The biggest break was between the iPhone 4 and 4S - 16 months.

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