Boot directly into Desktop Windows 8 (skip Windows UI) mode

This article briefly describes a method by modifying the registry key will start the way directly into the Desktop Windows 8 from shutdown (system restart) state. The following is the sharing of experience. Hibernation or sleep mode, the system will record the last state, the article is valid only for the shutdown, restart.

Text simple introduce a method by modifying the registry key Windows 8 start from the shutdown state directly into the Desktop.

Winkey + R, enter Regedit, press Enter

Navigate to the

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon
Shell looking to the right , then double-click the key for which data modifications.

Default this parameter:

Modified like:

explorer.exe, explorer.exe
Finalized, restart the computer to the desired results can be observed.

If you want to restore to the start screen can be restored to look into the blue field!

Expansion, this is the shell boot loader parameters, if you expect to get the boot command prompt green field end of explorer.exe replace cmd.exe can.

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