Apple took away the Australian domain

In early May SizloCore wrote that Apple has filed a complaint with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), intending to get the rights to the domain Organization took less than two weeks to establish that a domain name confusingly similar to a trademark of Apple, and the owner is not on it any rights. domain was purchased in 2008. Following the link users could find a small forum to discuss news and rumors about a hypothetical «iPhone 5", as well as a variety of topics related to entertainment and education issues. However, the status of the site, it was stated that he has nothing to do with Apple. The former owner of the resource, based on the location of the Registrar, is in Australia.

Participants posted several posts on the forum with a discussion of the claims Apple. User Morphius urged members of the forum to fight for the site, noting that "we have every right to be fans of the iPhone and discuss it." However, Apple has managed to pick up this domain.
Representatives of WIPO noted:

"No one can be used without permission similar to its trademark symbols on products for the individualization of which the trademark is registered, or similar goods, if as a result of the use of a likelihood of confusion arises."

Recently, Apple is focusing increasingly on domain names incorporating the names of its brands. So, and were purchased from owners who have used them for their own websites. The former owner of, the company Xcerion,  has agreed to sell the  domain name for $ 4.5 million after the announcement of the first iPhone model site owner simply could not use it in the past due to too high a level of diversion of traffic, forcing him to give Apple a domain name , receiving a seven-figure sum.

Also Empire of Steve Jobs took possession of such high-profile Web names like, and These websites serve as resources for pornographic doorway. The situation is particularly strained Apple, as its name is identical with the "apple" bestseller. All of these resources pornographic content are now in the possession of the American company.

In connection with the claim against rumors that Apple has begun preparing for the announcement of the next model "apple" smartphone, which is likely to be called the iPhone 5. However, it is possible that by analogy with the iPad, the next version of your phone company would call a "new iPhone».

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