Samsung Galaxy S III loses iPhone 4S

May 3 Samsung introduced in London Galaxy S III - a new flagship smartphone platform Android. The new Galaxy S HD Super AMOLED display with a diagonal4.8 inches and two cameras (8 and 1.9 megapixels). Depending on the market selling it can be implemented in network support 4G.
Despite the laudatory reviews in the thematic Android-press, many independent experts have concluded that, despite a number of advantages of DLC, the South Korean gadget has weaknesses, which can hit competitors. First, compared with whom Galaxy S III experts in the field of mobile gadgets - of course, the flagship Apple iPhone 4S.

As a result, experts have concluded that the iPhone tangible benefits for the build quality and design. After the first contact with the device, they are not approved plastic housing Galaxy S III, which seems more flimsy, despite the fact that by this smart phone has become much easier.

The annual commitment from Samsung and other manufacturers of visualization has led to gigantism that the next Android-phone has become too large for its class of devices. Many believe that the 4-inch display, and so too large to interact with one hand. Samsung nevertheless raised the idea of ​​"more - better," equipping the device giant 4.8-inch panel.

Another stone in the garden became a Samsung mobile platform Android 4.0, which works on the new communicator. Despite the fact that it has changed in comparison with the previous version, iOS is more simple and easy to use and capable of working with many useful applications. It is assumed that the owners of Samsung gadgets are experiencing some difficulties with the update components Android.

Of particular disappointment was the fact that instead of the promised 12 megapixel camera Samsung limited to 8-megapixel device - such as the iPhone.

Most reviewers Mobile agreed that, in spite of the appreciable difference in the time-release, iPhone 4S not much inferior to a whole new Galaxy S III. The price of the device in Europe will be even higher than that of Apple-gadget. In particular, according to some reports, the flagship Android-smartphone will sell for 30,000 rubles.

With the introduction of next-generation iPhone, which is scheduled to premiere in the fall of this year, the Korean phone is no longer able to flaunt their current advantages in the form of a large display and 4-core processor.

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