Apple learned the secrets to protect Samsung Galaxy S III

Previously, the history of the security services often told Apple - a recognized leader in the industrial part of the absence of leaks before the release of important devices. South Korea's Samsung took a leaf from his rival, and made every effort paranoid to photos and specifications of its last leader did not appear in the press before the official release. The manufacturer has done everything possible for the sake of secrecy Galaxy S III.
It is learned from a report published in the official blog of Samsung, all the engineers had to hide any details, even from his family. For example, the chief engineer Ben Lee Joon lied to his son, the sixth-grade student:

"My eldest son is in sixth grade - says Jung Lee. - He knows that I was developing Galaxy S and Galaxy S II. So, I think he expected my participation in the new project. Each time, reading the  online  article about the preparation of a new Galaxy S III, he asked me if I work on a new model of what I had to reply: "I do not know." I was at these moments was not myself. "

While working on the Galaxy S III involved the engineers were not allowed to contact other members for help (usually any problem on any less important for us gadget can be solved through collective efforts.)

Only authorized personnel with access to a lab for fingerprint could work directly with the phone - the device did not show anyone too much, just transferred in sealed opaque boxes. What to say: in order to send a prototype device partners and senior employees of Samsung personally went on a trip. All to no one caught the gadget (or did not leave the bar after the party, ahem ahem). About sending photos of the device in such circumstances the question could not be. They say even the purchasing department had to rely on written descriptions of the device.

Another favorite trick in such situations - the creation of several dissimilar prototypes. Each doll was maintained and cultivated as the final device with all the consequences. Antenna design team was forced to make three different antennas for the three prototypes.

However, to fully preserve Galaxy S III in the mystery was not possible. A week before the official presentation of the web started to pop up the phone models, as well as the principal technical characteristics.

We recall, Android-smartphone Galaxy S III was announced May 3 at the launch in London. The device is equipped with quad-core Exynos 4412 A9 with a frequency of 1.4 GHz, 1 GB of RAM type DDR2, 2.100 mAh battery capacity, and two cameras - an 8-megapixel main backlit, 1.9-megapixel front.

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