Galaxy S3: the display is not very bright? Here DisplayMate tests

Dr. Raymond Soneira of DisplayMate , the major company involved in consulting for manufacturers, calibration mathematical analysis of the performance of nearly any type of screen, has made ​​an interesting test on the evolution of Samsung's AMOLED display comparing the three Galaxy S series phones.
Before turning to estimates of the parameters taken into consideration a brief analysis of AMOLED technology that has had a good evolution in positive thanks to Samsung for years that focuses on this type of screens, especially at the level of energy efficiency, a parameter of primary importance on smartphones .

However there is room for improvement regarding the management of colors, although with Galaxy S3 Galaxy Nexus and look more natural, the range of contrasts still suffers varied in yield, where the green is much more saturated than the blue and red, offering images with a strong predominance of that color. Another highlight is represented by the whites who are still unnatural, expensive and prone to blue-efficient. A general criticism is not solely linked amoled move the light sensor for smartphones that is said by Soneira tends to adjust the brightness of the face and not with the environmental consequence of this is a bad management as well as automatic brightness eye strain makes the power consumption even more.

Energy expenditure which is always to be the Achilles heel for the AMOLED issues and saving battery power in mobile computing are castrated in gloss potential.

We come finally to emerge where the comparison interesting data related to the evolution of the AMOLED by Galaxy S, S2 and S3. While Samsung seems to have worked well on the color rendering and consumption, by contrast, and brightness of the screen reflections are slightly worse than the first Galaxy S marketed.

Reflection Screen
Despite the worsening Galaxy S between the first and the last models to be said that 4.4% is the best value recorded in the mobile from DisplayMate differences between the three devices found only in the laboratory without a real and obvious parallels in reality. The parameters are the average value if we consider that the worst is now reported as a percentage of 14.8%.

Brightness and Contrast
In theory, the contrast ratio would be the essential parameter for quality feedback but applies to a device used in low ambient light, a rare situation for smart phones in normal use. Interestingly, in effect cd/m2 brightness is lower in Galaxy S3 . As a final evaluation of the visibility is described as very good for all three devices although there has been an actual deterioration.

Consumption Display
While the brightness has worsened over time, we can say that power management has almost halved compared to the first model, going from 2.4 w 1.3 w in Galaxy S3. This figure is more easily understandable with the next table.
The duration in hours of battery with the screen turned on airplane mode without active applications is improved significantly in Galaxy S3, positively influenced by the battery of higher capacity and at the same time adversely affected by larger screen (4.8 inches S3 / S2 4.3 inch / 4.0 inch Galaxy S).

It should be reminded of the diversity of AMOLED technology used in the three devices, which resulted in Galaxy S3 SuperAMOLED in a matrix screen HD resolution pentyl HD 1280 x 720 with a density of pixels significantly higher (306 ppi), compared to SuperAMOLED Galaxy S Always pentyl matrix (840 x 480 at 233 ppi) and SuperAMOLED Plus Galaxy S2 RGB matrix (840 x 480 206 ppi).
In summary we can say that the improvements derived from the evolution of the AMOLED display, and there are evident despite the price that emerges from these numbers will result on balance in a lower brightness technology pentyl S3 compared to Galaxy S. In general, for our tests, we can actually say that S3 has a brightness lower than the competition of the same band and the light outside the visible screen is less than One X, 4X or iPhone.  by

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