Apple released dozens of early prototypes of iPhone [photo]

The fact that Apple has a long and carefully worked on iPhone, known to all. However, many have been working or non working prototype phone with a touchscreen, it is not known to anybody. But it is obvious that such models have been the day before some of them got into the network.
Dozens of layouts and all sorts of photos, sketches and frames from the 3D-models for future iPhone models have been promulgated as a result of the preparation for the final trial between Apple and Samsung. Employees of the site All Things Digital brought a vast collection of images slideshow.

As you can see, for years the development of iPhone design has undergone considerable changes. Most of these prototypes have not gone into mass production. So that they can be left to the Museum of History at Apple, where would these unique products. I wonder how many more prototypes hidden in the bowels of Cupertino labs?

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