Users have reported problems with OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

Despite the many positive reviews, the first users of OS X10.8 Mountain Lion complain of problems with the operating system: the slow-loading distribution to a critical error in the core of the new OS.
The owners of the Mac, which moved to the new OS as soon as it is released report problems, starting with how to load distribution, according to Cnews. Many users complained that they could not get distribution, or it loads very slowly. At the moment the only way to get an update Mountain Lion - download it from the official App Store Mac App Store. File size is about 4.35 GB.

The next part of the messages posted on our technical support Apple, associated with the installation of Mountain Lion. Some users complain that when you install this update the computer generates an error that hard disk is damaged.

"I tried to install a Mountain Lion on their iMac line in 2007. The installation process is abruptly terminated with an error message about the disk and the recommendation to run Disk Utility ", - the user Jbwhitehurst.

During the test drive, he again received the error, which means Disk Utility could not fix.

In another thread a user Johnmreynolds reported that he had the same problem when installing the update on the MacBook Pro line in 2010. He returned to the Lion and ran a disk check from a previous version of the operating system: no errors were found.

"After that I tried to re-establish the Mountain Lion, and the process was successful. It's strange, "- he said.

Among other problems: the sudden shutdown of Safari 6 when it starts, and a similar situation with the application notes. Many posts in the forum due to a looped reboot your computer after you upgrade to the Mountain Lion.

"I found Mountain Lion. The computer told me that I should shut it down due to this problem. If I try to log in to your account, after about thirty seconds it restarts and gives me the same message "- complained Sarapatt.

Users report that this problem is relatively new systems, including the MacBook Pro last year and the current release. Earlydoors adds that he got an error like Kernel panic - a critical error message about the operating system kernel, after which the computer will be possible only after restarting.

Despite the fact that many users report increased performance compared to previous versions of the Lion and the operating system, other informed to the contrary. User Jesus Diaz, editor of Gizmodo, was surprised that after the upgrade to Mountain Lion his new MacBook Pro with the display Retina was very much "fail", including the periodic disappearance of the mouse.

Nevertheless, most reviewers have published positive reviews of Mountain Lion. Author of The Sydney Morning Herald, Adam Turner called the new Apple-OS kind of work on the bugs in the Lion and said to go at it a lot easier than the transition with Snow Leopard on the Lion in his time, as this transition is required from the user habituation many controversial changes.

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