HTC One X is assembled in ten minutes with the new detailed video guide (VIDEO)

HTC One X , since its debut last spring, has been subjected to the inevitable teardown revealed that the internal components. The new guide  will show you below must be counted among the better ones. The video  describes meticulously the steps to assemble the terminal , exposing all the individual components. As mentioned on other occasions, it is an information support aimed primarily for experienced users who may in the future decide to make the repairs do-it-yourself. Even the most curious to discover what lurks inside the polycarbonate shell of the device may also find useful insights.
The whole procedure completes in just over ten minutes, to confirm proper level of engineering reach by HTC in the construction of the terminal. This goal, of course, can be reached as long as you have the requisite expertise. By carefully examining the assembly procedure will of course possible to obtain the information needed to perform the reverse process.
The new video confirms what had already had been said in recent months regarding the possibility of replacing the battery that is attached to the motherboard through a connector easily detachable. The video just showed you can be helpful to users who decide to replace the original battery with increased capacity dedicated to the One X. source

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