Apple has stopped development of Safari for Windows

With the release of new desktop platforms OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion , Apple refused to continue to support Windows-version browser Safari.
Along with the new operating system Apple has extended Safari 6 for the previous operating system, OS X Lion, update a Web browser for Windows has not appeared. Currently, users can download version Safari 5.1.7, dated May this year, but the program description on the official website indicates that the program is focused only on the use of a medium Mountain Lion. In addition, the Apple website link on the distributions of Windows-version of Safari.

The fact that information about Safari for Windows has been removed from Apple after the release of the new operating system OS X 10.8, wrote Habrahabr. In addition, the program Apple Software Update application and disappeared to upgrade your browser. "There were no announcements, notes, all in the style of Apple», - indicates the website.

Note that the Safari browser for Windows, released in 2007, the operating system, the Redmond company did not enjoy popularity. In the software under Microsoft reigns Chrome. According to statistics from  StatCounter , Web browser, Google holds 33% market share desktop internet surfing. The tests of performance and security, it is not an absolute champion, but this browser is absorbed all the best qualities of the competitors. The main ridge Chrome - a rate that is primarily concerned with those who are walking on the web.

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