Time included Steve Jobs' in the top 20 most influential Americans of all ages

Time magazine made a list of "20 most influential Americans of all ages." Among the most important people, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein was the founder of Apple, Steve Jobs.
Jobs magazine named "Icon of the computer age", listing the merits of the creator of iPhone and iPad. Time wrote that after the death of the inventor of the world have begun to speculate about who might become the next Steve Jobs: "Some people called Mark Zuckerberg, others - Larry Page from Google. But the truth is that no one is "the next Steve Jobs." There can be no! ".

"Steve Jobs was a visionary, gifted with great genius of the design: he has made every effort to make the interface between computer and human elegant, simple and delicious. He always said his goal was to create products that would be insanely great. Mission accomplished. "

20 most influential Americans of all time according to TIME:

  • George Washington
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Sacagawea, Lewis and Meriveder William Clark
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Sitting Bull
  • Alexander Graham Bell
  • Thomas Edison
  • Henry Ford
  • The Wright Brothers
  • Margaret Sanger
  • Albert Einstein
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Louis Armstrong
  • James Watson
  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Muhammad Ali
  • Steve Jobs
In the merit of Steve Jobs - the ability to anticipate the development of the IT-market. Indeed, many technologies have remained gathering dust on the shelves of the developers, not reaching the market. Steve Jobs seen in the technology a commercial product, giving life to many ideas and opening new horizons for development.

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