Google has released a promotional video in support of the Nexus 7 [video]

Google released a short promo video «Camping» in support of the tablet Nexus 7. It shows scenes of idyllic family life with the participation of an advanced gadget.
As planned marketing Google, the most successful to date, 7-inch "tablet" is a great help during the raids in the forest, which in the final promotional video into a backyard family home.

"Removing the pretty, - said the author of the blog The Daring Fireball, John Gruber - while gracefully ignores the fact that the Nexus 7 supports only Wi-Fi. I wonder how many people will be after watching the false impression that this tablet also works in networks? "

Recall, Google temporarily stopped taking pre-orders for the expensive version of the Nexus 7 in connection with the inability to meet the high demand for the device. A prerequisite for the demand for steel plate favorable reviews. The authors note that the device is one of the best in its price category.

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