Apple has patented a game controller for iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV

This gamer has to feel the pulse of any game with your fingertips. I think, will agree with many of the owners of iPhone and iPad. And, apparently, very soon, fans Computer games can get physical sensations when playing on their "apple" gadgets.
The new patent, Apple, released a few days ago the United States Patent and Trademark Office United States, describes the various options for the connection and interaction of smartphones iPhone, iPod and set-top box Apple TV. One document describes a "scheme of the game controller for stand-alone media player or game system."

The main device in the patent acts as set-top box Apple TV, which is very easily converted into a gaming console with the ability to upgrade - it is technically possible to play games for iOS through the cloud services. Of course, hardcore gamers can not seriously consider the platform due to the lack of buttons, which should severely limit the gameplay.

But, judging from the patent application, Apple decided this problem. "Apple" controller with joysticks and buttons can be connected to iPhone, iPod touch, and probably the iPad. Designated as a wireless connection, using radio frequency identification (RFID) tags and NFC - despite the fact that the picture shows the cable.

If Apple does release a game controller, it is likely, its appearance will undergo major changes that will make it less like a DualShock. But in any case, the physical appearance of the manipulator Arlee will be a real shock to the magnates of the gaming industry in the face of Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft.

In any case, such a product must enter the market, because with each update iDevice, they are similar in performance with game consoles. On the market are a few sticks for the iOS-devices, but without support for Apple and developers of applications, they are all doomed to a meaningless existence.

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