Samsung has cut Galaxy S III functional requirements from Apple

Judicial opposition Apple and Samsung are reflected in the users mobile companies. Thus, the owners of the flagship Android-device Galaxy S III lost in the latest firmware on the device search function, which is an analogue called Spotlight is present in iOS.
According to Android Central, in the description issued yesterday to the holders of the international version of Galaxy S III assembly XXBLG6 size of 27 MB, refers only to increase stability. In fact, after it is installed in phone lost the ability to use Google Search to search for files on the device, contacts, mail, messages and other data. Search is only available on the Internet.

So Samsung has decided to protect its flagship smartphone from claims by Apple. Previously, Cupertino empire managed to ban U.S. sales of Galaxy Nexus, produced by Google, on the basis of, inter alia, infringement of a patent for universal search.

On the iPhone and iPad tablet users through a section of Spotlight, presented in the mobile operating system by Apple in 2009, can look directly into the network and the data on the device. This feature is patented.

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