Jelly Bean Easter Egg hides the next version of Android Kandy Kane?

As with every version of Android, by going into settings and clicking repeatedly on the version number, you receive a nice Easter egg. Nothing new and we have already seen the animation of Jelly Bean. Among the many candies that float on the screen, however, an intruder was spotted. In practice this is the candy cane you see in the image and gave rise to immediate speculation. Google does not leave anything to chance, although there is no certainty, it is very likely that this image represents a different distribution of the next Android. What will be? Android 4.2 (or 5.0) Kandy Kane!  Obviously it will release the name at the moment can be considered realistic, especially because Kandy is a corruption of Candy and then a strained right now, but considering that Google is in alphabetical order, the K is the next letter and math is not an opinion, 1 +1 = 2.
Update: another hypothesis is that the candy cane does not indicate the name, but the exit period around Christmas because it is an American classic Christmas decoration. Speculation of course and many fantasies.

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