Marissa Mayer, who will lead the superwoman Yahoo!

And 'in the news and now the titles that speak of her current pregnancy is wasted. We're talking about one of the most powerful women in the world (Fortune magazine included it among the top 50). This is Marissa Mayer, the engineer who tries to "save", rather to raise Yahoo!
E 'was appointed CEO a few days and will merely underline the fact that she is pregnant and give birth in October. Well, beyond this curiosity with a taste of gossip, there's more. At just 37 years old already has a career full of successes.

She graduated from Stanford, was the first woman to join the Google leadership (that counts), opposite Larry Page and Sergey Brin. He has participated in important projects such as Google News, Google Images, Gmail, and becoming vice-president of many successful products company.
Despite everything, however, this is not enough for her professional life. He was looking for something more, perhaps a more authoritarian. E 'was satisfied after 13 years of residence, not by Google but by Yahoo!
The Sunnyvale company has had to pay several errors of judgment. When Microsoft wanted to buy it, its value was around 44 billion. Currently, we are talking about half the price and is destined to go down even if no one were to take action where needed. But Mayer knows his stuff and seems to have already thought of everything, even trimming a jab at his old firm from which it was "fairly easy "go away.
This new adventure is full of unknowns. The engineer will focus on the flagships of Yahoo!, ie email, finance and sports, while addressing possible new engagements. It will require a dedicated staff and great experience to bring back the old giant in vogue. The aim is to forget the farewell is the former CEO Scott Thompson due to falsification of the curriculum is the founder Jerry Yang . Moreover, fierce competition and the problems of Facebook in court they are only adding fuel to the fire.
She who must turn it off has all the credentials to do so. All that remains is whether Yahoo! also adopt logic similar to Google. The battle, meanwhile, has already begun.

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