Nexus 7 records already sold out among American retailers! Early pre-orders started!

Despite missing a few days the actual marketing of the expected Nexus 7 , there is already sold out among American retailers. According to a Reuters report, GameStop, Staples, Sam's Club, Office Depot and Walmart have already finished all the stocks and have not yet put the product on sale, but through pre-orders that seem to have gone well beyond expectations.
Gamestop reports having already closed two tranches of pre-orders and will not have a third at least until the month of August, the same situation for other retailers that will remain for at least 2-3 weeks without product demand will remain high for at least the month of July. Google however confirms that the first pre-orders via the Play Store are parties and delivered to the lucky buyers.
According to the latest figures released by Google, the first batch of tablets would be enough to cover 600.000 units but apparently were not enough, the question then arising is whether many in Mountain Views have underestimated the value of this product or if the initial print run so low it was only a move by Google to see the public response to the first Tablet Nexus.

One problem that probably does not subsist when it arrives in our country because production is expected to have already settled some time.  by

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