Samsung Galaxy Note 2 with Jelly Bean and camera 12 MPXl

It seems that this year's IFA in Berlin is scheduled as usual for the end of August and early September will next Samsung Galaxy Note 2 . If just the few weeks past the first speculations were particularly heated, yet we talk of the second generation of this unusual device with MK News. In reality, the June 24th we gave you the "official confirmation" via Twitter of Saudi Samsung but this time on the web seems to have exploded again Note mania with two more or less the same information weeks ago.
The source says, following the earlier rumors that the event will be presented in Berlin on Samsung Galaxy Note 2 , characterized by a 5.5-inch display without affecting too much the physical size of the previous generation, adopting the new Quad Core Exynos that we saw her debut with the Galaxy S3 but interesting to note that the source claims that the device will come out quickly with the new distribution Android 4.1 Jelly Bean , representing in fact the first product of the Korean house with the latest version of Android. This is new compared to previous speculation and rumors would be confirmed if it was definitely very interesting for the device currently on the market showing that Samsung is already well ahead with porting the Touch Wiz on Jelly Bean.

News also regard the camera as Samsung wants to raise the quality of the sensor bringing over 8 MPXl, then presumably between 12 and 13 MPXl but now speaks only of possibilities being studied by engineers and nothing new compared to earlier news. The marketing would also be expected only after a few weeks after filing, so during the month of September for about a year from the previous model.

Nothing new then, but yet to be confirmed or speculation that confirm the previous rumor.  by

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