Apple introduced Mountain Lion OS X 10.8 with more than 200 new features

Apple's WWDC 2012 Annual Conference (San Francisco, CA, USA) introduced the next version of the operating system OS X 10/08 Mountain Lion . The ninth in a row major upgrade of the desktop platform for the Mac was announced in February this year.
Mountain Lion in the company continued convergence of their desktop and mobile operating system, begun in Lion. In OS X 10.7, the company added a few features of iOS, including full-screen mode, the control panel application similar springboard, multi-touch gestures, app store App Store and some graphic elements. In the Mountain Lion, this concept has been further developed: new version of Apple-OS includes the nine most popular features iOS.

Mountain Lion includes an appendix Messages, which replaces iChat and you can send messages, high-quality pictures and videos from PC to Mac or other device running iOS. Messages function will continue to support the protocols AIM, Jabber, Yahoo! Messenger and Google Talk. Application Notes and Reminders help you to create and keep track of to-do lists on devices Apple.
Game Center will make the gaming experience on the Mac more personal, with the ability to discover new games and compete with friends in real-time multiplayer gaming on different devices, which they now use for the game - whether it be Mac, iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

In the new operating system the company has integrated voice dialing Text-based Siri, similar to that implemented in iPad third generation. Calling a function «Dictation» in OS X 10.8 is made by hot keys. The default is two simultaneous pressing Command. Mountain Lion in the dictation, you can use to write messages, take notes, search the Web and more.
Mountain Lion is a notification form with the notification center that gives you access to alerts about new mail, calendar events, messages, reminders, updates and third-party applications.

System-wide feature allows you to Share Sheets exchange links, photos and videos directly from the applications Apple, as well as from third-party applications. Twitter is now fully integrated into the Mountain Lion, so the user can log in to your account once and tweets directly from Safari, Quick Look, Photo Booth, viewer, as well as from any other third party applications.

Mountain Lion also introduces the video replay feature AirPlay Mirroring, an easy way to broadcast video at 720p, which is located on your computer to a secure wireless network in HD-TV set-top box using Apple TV.
OS allows you to easily customize the iCloud and open access to documents from all user devices. Mountain Lion Apple ID used to automatically configure the contact e-mail, calendar, messages, Messages, FaceTime and video features Find My Mac.

A new feature iCloud Documents shall notify any changes at the same time on all devices, so that documents will be up to date, and the new API allows developers to create applications to work with documents at once, given the potential iCloud.
Gatekeeper is a new security tool that gives control over which applications can be downloaded and installed on your computer. The user can choose the ability to install applications from any source - exactly the same way as is done now, or use a more secure default settings for installing applications from the App Store for Mac, as well as applications from developers that have a developer ID Apple.

Mountain Lion also includes features designed specifically to support the Chinese users, including improvements in the Chinese text input method and choice of Baidu search in Safari. Mountain Lion makes it easy to set up contacts, e-mail and calendar from the leading postal service QQ, 126 and 163. Chinese users can also upload video through the Share Sheets directly on popular video hosting Youku and Tudou, a system-wide support services Sina weibo makes it easier to send messages to microblogging.
Hundreds of new API gives developers access to a key new technology and enhanced features, OS X. API for gaming Game Kit involve the same services as the Game Center in the operating system iOS, allowing you to create cross-platform multiplayer games that run on Mac, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. An improved set of programming interfaces Multi-Touch allows you to implement support for the double-click to zoom in and provides access to the Lookup, gesture, word search, system-wide. The use of technology ALSR improves security through improved protection against buffer overflow attacks.

With the release of Mountain Lion Apple moved to a faster update cycle Mac OS X - the previous version of the system, Lion, published in the summer of 2011. "Mountain Lion" will be available to customers in July this year through the store Mac App Store. Cost is $ 19.99 update.

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