Apple resolves patent teardrop design of the MacBook Air: ultrabook market at risk?

A robust patent by Apple on Tuesday for the particular design "drop" the MacBook Air may cause several problems to those manufacturers Ultrabook attempting to replicate both the look and portability of laptops from Apple , so thin and light.
The presentation of the patent on the design of the MacBook Air from Apple can literally revolutionize the market Ultrabook, among other things still in infancy. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, in fact, had a design patent covering the so-called form "drop" , introduced for the first time on the line MacBook Air computer company in Cupertino.

Despite the patent itself is very meager as to details, usual occurrence with respect to patents on design, graphic illustrations shown are representative rather than exhaustive and as the houses of the MacBook Air is different from the current PC ultra-light . The lack of descriptive text, moreover, could give even more power to the patent because it places no limit on items that the patent can go to play.
In reality, the patent just presented could be important if Apple decides to pursue legal action against the laptop that resemble, in design, the MacBook Air, and which are provided on the market by the end of this year .

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