Mapping “spy planes” Apple and Google have caused concern among U.S. authorities

U.S. authorities have expressed concern about the "spy" aircraft, which Google and Apple used to create 3D-maps. Sen. Charles Schumer wrote a letter to both corporations, in which he stated that they were "highly sensitive equipment for aerial photography" may violate the right of Americans to privacy.
The newest of 3D-visualization technology corporations to automatically create three-dimensional model of the aerial photographs taken at an angle of 45 degrees. To shoot, the company chartered a fleet. The result of these efforts - three-dimensional cityscapes, measurable increase. They are clearly visible roofs and walls of houses, streets and trees.

Schumer fears that optical technology IT-giants "may not be strong enough to see through the window, or even capture sunbathing in the backyard." The senator also expressed concern that the detailed three-dimensional models of cities may lead to a threat to national security. It is possible that the 3D-maps can be used by terrorists to draw up detailed schemes of water supply and electricity in the U.S., he said.
In this regard, Schumer has asked both companies to notify residents about the time of shooting, automatically blur faces and retouch the strategically important infrastructure. In addition, each owner shall be entitled to "cover up" the image of his house on the map.

At Google, on this occasion said that none of the measures referred to Schumer, the measures have not yet applied, but the company was willing to discuss this issue with the senator. Reaction of Apple is not reported.

The plans provide access to the 3D-maps Google and Apple announced in early June. The first three-dimensional maps of several cities in the U.S. will come in the IV quarter and year end the company expects the Internet to obtain detailed images of settlements with a population of 300 million people. Apple opens the users access to new mapping technology with the release of iOS 6. Presumably, the appearance of the final version of the system will be timed to start selling next-generation iPhone, whose output is expected this fall.

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