Google Nexus 7 wins on maintainability of the iPad 3

Despite the fact that the  Nexus 7 only 1 millimeter thicker than the iPad third-generation tablet Google apart is much easier than the brainchild of Apple. At least so say the staff portal iFixit, who ruthlessly gutted the new device.
According to researchers, the disassembly of Nexus 7 is available even for the beginner. All that is needed - this is a common Phillips screwdriver and a plastic tab to open the latch and release clamp contacts loops.

The main reason for joy may be that the battery capacity of 4326 mAh replaced without any difficulty, can not be said about the battery capacity of 11,500 mAh in late-model tablet iPad.

Overall ease of disassembly tablet Google Nexus 7 is commendable, experts say - about as easily disassembled Kindle Fire. But to put him to score 10 out of 10 did not allow the fact that the screen is Nexus 7 tightly bonded to the protective glass Gorilla Glass - it will complicate the possible repair of the device. Thus, evaluation of the model plate on the maintainability of Google was 7 points. For comparison, the third generation iPad received only 2 points.

Also, the autopsy showed that in the Nexus 7 there: IPS AFFS-screen company Hydis (South Korean subsidiary of E Ink), three NVIDIA Tegra processor, 1GB of DDR3 memory company SK Hynix, Flash memory Kingston, Wi-Fi-module Azurewave , GPS-module Broadcom, NFC-module NXP.
It remains to add that according to analysts, the $ 200 tablet that Google announced on June 27, does  not threaten Apple's leading positions in the global market. The main competitor Nexus 7 - "pill» Amazon Kindle Fire, was released late last year. Both device sold with a minimum margin to allow manufacturers to reduce the price to 199 dollars. Both companies trade in the devices is a key business, and they can sell the plates almost at cost.

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