iPad is most often used for reading mail and news on the Internet

According to research firm Gartner, Apple Tablet PC owners are increasingly replacing traditional desktop computers, taking on many of their functions.
According to analysts, the five basic operations that are commonly used devices such form factor is to check e-mail (81%) and reading the news on the Internet (69%), and getting the weather forecast (63%). Almost on a par with the last paragraph is a social networking (62%), in addition, 60% of respondents use the Tablet PC for gaming.

And, according to a survey play a greater role in the house than normal mobile phones and personal computers. Analysts say that most plates are used in the living room (87%) and in the bedroom (65%), while in the kitchen they are less than half of respondents - 47%. Apparently, the majority of housewives are more conservative and still prefer to learn the news on TV, and recipes - from a chef's book.

The study was conducted last month among residents of Australia, Britain and the United States to better understand exactly how the owners of plates often use their gadgets. We add that in these countries is completely dominated by iPad, which is best suited for the Internet.

And how do you use your iPad?

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