Microsoft Office 15: Beta-slide after the Summer

Contrary to what circulated on the web until a few days ago, it seems that Microsoft has not yet prepared the Beta version of Office 15 (or 2013), originally expected this month of July. The Redmond company indeed, at its Worldwide Partner Conference in Toronto, did not show anything new, "postponing" all after the summer and leaving everyone high and dry.
The majority of Office users then remains, at least for now, the dark about new features and capabilities of the suite, Microsoft in fact in the month of January has released the technology preview version only to a selected group of testers, but little has leaked .
Also according to rumors circulating in recent weeks, Microsoft Office 2013 may include an Editor PDF , Skydrive and wide support, thinking about Windows 8, a large touchscreen optimized for the platform. For the moment then you make many assumptions, we'll have to wait until September / October for the Beta and surely the beginning of 2013 to see the final version on the market.

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