Microsoft provides unpublished many new features in Windows Phone 8

Let's face it, Microsoft has managed to attract most attention in recent weeks thanks to the Surface, tablet that can finally enjoy the systems to Microsoft at your fingertips, and the long-awaited Windows Phone 8, a release that will dramatically change the standard for smartphones with this OS, introducing what were the features already long overdue.
The Redmond has shown, what are the cards available to take "on par" with other competitors, then we speak of support for multicore chips, microSD, NFC, Nokia maps, displays HD resolutions, platforms and sharing features as 'Shared', Internet Explorer 10, and of course the Start Screen that has so much enthusiasm for live tiles resizable. However, the new 'true', or rather unknown, are still unknown, as the same product manager Greg Sullivan said talking about Windows Phone 8 as a project "work in progress" that has so much more to show than what was seen at Developer Summit 2012.

We showed a lot at Microsoft event in San Francisco, for both developers and professionals. Even the end-user have tested the new skills and capabilities, but we have shown only a part during the event.

An idea already announced by the Redmond that could really take shape by the end of the summer, allowing writing with one hand. Pure speculations that have no real foundation unless the image taken in the preceding article. The only real certainty is now appreciated the Start Screen, which we review in this short video:
We will then wait in recent months, waiting to hear Windows Phone 8 (and version 7.8) in its most hidden depths, hoping that the best is yet to come.

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