Narcissism, "occupational disease" iPhone and Android

The American sociologist Professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sherry Turkle talked about the impact the iPhone and other "smart" phones on our lives.
Unambiguous answer to the question of whether positively or negatively affect the emergence of smart phones with touch screen, performing a wide variety of functions in our lives, the expert does not.

"One way or another iPhone has revolutionized the way our lives - said Sherry Turkle. - With him I feel comfortable: I take with me to bed and do feel it as a part of themselves, and perceive themselves as a human-robot "- so, according to Turkle, according to the younger generation.

In the same vein, Professor mentions another, no less important change in the minds of users: people are more likely to write than talk.

"In place of real conversation among people increasingly come chat via SMS, e-mail programs and instant messengers. Such communication can reduce personal contacts and to hide from a variety of social situations, "- said the expert, pointing out that this leads to a picture of the world in which man becomes a kind of a loner.

This, according to Sherry Turkle, inevitably leads to a third psychological effect. According to him, representatives of the younger generation actually forgotten how to be alone with his thoughts. They feel an urgent need to share your thoughts and ideas at the moment they occur.

"I will not say that a lot of people have some mental disorders. However, the trend is the essence of which is reduced to the necessity to report any thought or feeling that makes talking about the symptoms of pathological narcissism, "- said the expert.

Sherry Turkle considers dangerous to turn iPhone into a "friend". With all due respect to technical progress, he says, "smartphone - first and foremost a machine that does not know how to empathize."

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