Nokia would release a phone with a touchscreen for 7 years before Apple

We know that submitting a 2007 phone with touch screen, Apple has made a real revolution in the smartphone market. However, it appears, Nokia was the company that planned to release its own «iPhone» and «iPad» long before these devices in Cupertino corporation.
Former vice president and chief designer Frank Nuovo Nokia said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, that the Finnish manufacturer has developed its first smartphone with a touchscreen as early as the 90s of last century. According to a top manager, the company lost an excellent opportunity for a revolution in the segment.

At the end of the 90-x years Nokia has developed a gadget with a touchscreen color display, which allowed not only to make calls, but also surf the Internet, play games, and even to search for "restaurants, shops and cinemas nearby," that is able to become the first smartphone on the market, Nuovo said. A separate team at the same time, developed a Tablet PC - with a wireless connection and a large touch screen.

We can recall one more frustrated Smartphone Nokia - Model 7700, which was presented to the public in 2003, but never went on sale. The prototype devices based on Symbian S90 packaged with a 3.5-inch color touch screen, controlled with the stylus.

Unfortunately, all these developments Nokia remained on the presentation slides, or as early prototypes did not see the light. Now the Finnish company is fully relied on his new partner - Microsoft and its operating system Windows Phone.

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