Why Apple needs iPad mini

Several reputable foreign publications to each other, citing informed sources have confirmed rumors that Apple will release a new model iPad with a smaller screen. Similar reports have recently become too intense, and as they say, there is no smoke without fire.
Out of so-called iPad mini would allow Apple to strengthen its position in the market tablets, because sales of the model and the experience of the iPad 2 at a discount of $ 100 after the new modification has shown that the public view with favor the humane pricing "apple" of the empire.

More democratic in the price of the model iPad mini and convenient in terms of everyday use form factor will open up broad prospects for the company implementing the "pill". The compact gadget can be a big hit in developing countries, as well as in education and women and children who prefer small size iPad mini. Better off the audience will be able to contain the tablets of both sizes, switching between them depending on the situation.

Of course, we can not agree with analysts from the Topeka Capital Markets, which is considered the inevitable emergence of some "cannibalization" of sales after the release of full-sized iPad compact version. In other words, a small iPad inevitably chip away some potential buyers of large iPad. However, their share will not be so large - about 10-20%, experts say.

Apple should be prepared to prevent cannibalization by its own products, but would not concede market position to competitors. And there the iPad has recently become more and more: it cost tablet Amazon and Google, and make emphasis on the Windows platform products Microsoft. In the end, iPad mini Apple will do more good than harm.

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