8-core mobile processor Samsung called defective product

Qualcomm called gimmicky official announcement of eight-core Samsung Exynos 5 Octa for smartphones and tablets. Head of the company is convinced that the Koreans introduced misleading the public by promoting the mobile processor with 8 cores, which in reality is a "defective product."

Samsung announced its new processor Exynos 5 Octa at CES 2013. Argued that developing the chip, the company has focused on multi-tasking and graphics performance boost, but try to reduce the power consumption of the chip. In an 8-core processor Samsung combined 4 high on the architecture of the core Cortex-A15 and four energy-efficient architecture for core Cortex-A7. All are made on a common substrate.

As the general director of Qualcomm, the chip Exynos 5 Octa though called an eight, but all 8 cores will never work together. He believes that with the second 4-core unit Samsung decided to mask the defective chip with high power consumption, non-optimized for use in smartphones and tablets. Thus, Koreans just added four low-power core, which will absorb the bulk of the work, and called a hybrid 8-core processor.

According to the head of Qualcomm, the industry's often the case when the problem with the product is converted to the next marketing achievement. And Samsung has introduced all astray, focusing on the actual fact of the 8-core, and not the power of the chip.

In Qualcomm noted that smartphone users should not care how many cores is mobile processor. The main thing is that your smartphone or tablet offers high performance and at the same time had a maximum duration of battery life.

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